Códigos de países TKM Abreviaciones de país de acuerdo a la norma ISO-3166 alfa-3


ISO-3166 Alpha-3

TKM es la abreviatura de tres letras para Turkmenistán.






Ver mapa Centro geográfico de Turkmenistán


Información adicional a Turkmenistán


Manat (TMT)


488100 km²

Fotos de Turkmenistán Fotos interesantes

Architectural complex around graves of two of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, ancient Merv, Turkmenistan (1)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Architectural complex around graves of two of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, ancient Merv, Turkmenistan (1)

Details of original brickwork, tomb of Sultan Sanjar; Merv, Turkmenistan, 12th century (1)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Details of original brickwork, tomb of Sultan Sanjar; Merv, Turkmenistan, 12th century (1)

Architectural complex around graves of two of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, ancient Merv, Turkmenistan (2)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Architectural complex around graves of two of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, ancient Merv, Turkmenistan (2)

Architectural complex around the graves of two of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad; Merv, Turkmenistan
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Architectural complex around the graves of two of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad; Merv, Turkmenistan

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (1)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (1)

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (2)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (2)

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (3)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (3)

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (4)
© Prof. Mortel, flickr.com

Erk Kala, Achaemenid era, 6th-5th cents. BCE; Merv, Turkmenistan (4)

Países alrededor por ejemplo: viajes, vuelos

En las inmediaciones de Turkmenistán se encuentran países como Uzbekistán, Afganistán & Irán.