Ländercode DJI Länderkürzel nach ISO-3166 Alpha-3


ISO-3166 Alpha-3

DJI ist die dreibuchstabige Länderabkürzung für Dschibuti.






Kartenansicht Geografische Mitte von Dschibuti


Weiterführende Informationen zu Dschibuti


Franc (DJF)


23000 km²

Fotos von Dschibuti Interessante Aufnahmen

Afar Hotspot magnitude 5.4 earthquake (8:00 PM, 25 January 2024)
© James St. John, flickr.com

Afar Hotspot magnitude 5.4 earthquake (8:00 PM, 25 January 2024)

Transit migrants
© iom-mrp, flickr.com

Transit migrants

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
© The National Guard, flickr.com

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
© The National Guard, flickr.com

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
© The National Guard, flickr.com

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
© The National Guard, flickr.com

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
© The National Guard, flickr.com

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa
© The National Guard, flickr.com

Task Force Tomahawk and Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa

Länder in der Umgebung z.B. für Reisen, Flüge

In der näheren Umgebung von Dschibuti befinden sich Länder wie z.B. Äthiopien, Eritrea & Jemen.